Spring 2014 — ARTS 299 Everyday Arts Lab

Community Outreach Opportunity for Undergraduates
ARTS 299 crn 60660 3 Credit hours 
The Everyday Arts Lab (EAL) is a new course initiative that explores the School of Fine and Applied Arts’ public engagement capabilities.  Open to graduate and undergraduate students across disciplines, students develop skills in community arts pedagogy, arts administration, and participatory action research. Through collaborative work, EAL students develop and offer a series of free community arts projects that offer young people from low-income backgrounds participation in arts inquiry programming. Students attend weekly seminars on Wednesday and Fridays and offer two-hour after school arts workshops on Wednesday afternoons at sites in Urbana-Champaign, including Figure One, the Independent Media Center, and the Champaign Public Library.
Workshops will take place mainly after public school hours so reserve 1-5 on Wednesday afternoons for planning and presenting.