Education and Social Justice 8-week course

Please let your students know about this 2nd 8-week course offering:

Education Policy Studies (EPS) 390
Title: Education and Social Justice
Instructor: Rebecca Ginsburg,
Meeting days/time: Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00 – 1:50

What’s the connection between education—your education, for example—and social justice?

This course invites you to consider not only your personal experiences in the classroom, but also to learn how educational philosophers and theorists have argued about the ways that curriculum, pedagogy (approaches to teaching), and school climate can contribute to building a just society. The course also considers how, today and in the past, education has contributed to social injustices and worked to perpetuate inequality, and how people have organized and resisted unfair educational practices.

Education and Social Justice is good fit for students who welcome the opportunity to think critically about their own experiences and those of others, to think about the sort of society we seek to build, and to consider why education matters—not just for creating knowledge and expertise but also as means of creating a socially just society.
