Summer Session 1 BADM 380 Course

Will you please share this enrollment opportunity with your Business Minor students, prospective Business Minor students and all other of your interests students.  BADM 380 is a Business Minor Elective course.
BADM 380 International Business
Dear World Travelers:
You don’t need to leave Champaign-Urbana this summer to travel throughout the world of international business.  You may now enroll yourselves into the 2013 Summer Session 1 BADM 380-International Business course with Professor Marcelo Bucheli. 
The BADM 380 course(CRN 37497) is offered from May 13th until June 7th.   Classes will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 12:50 PM.
Enroll into BADM 380 and prepare yourselves for a real world business experience.