EPSY 220: Career Theory and Practice

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering two-four week sections of EPSY 220: Career Theory and Practice over the summer. This course is a 3-hour elective and is designed to assist students in learning how to match their interests to a major or occupation. Students will learn important job search skills such as creating cover letters and resumes and interviewing. Each section is asynchronous and allows students to complete the work at their own pace. 
If you encounter any students who you believe would benefit from this course or are struggling with indecision concerning their major or career goals, please forward this message to them. This course is also suitable for students near the end of their time at the University who are interested in sharpening their job hunting skills.The sections are managed by two of our most veteran instructors and are offered from June 10 – July 5 and July 8 – August 1.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at brooks12@illinois.edu.
Best Regards,
James Brooks
EPSY 220 Graduate Coordinator