Writers Workshop consultant recruitment

The Writers Workshop is looking for a few exceptional undergraduates to join our PEER TUTORS, and we need your help to find them. These students should be sophomores, juniors, or seniors in any major next year. They should write very well and enjoy working with other students on writing. If you can identify such students from your advising ranks or from past and current classes you have taught, please send their names and email addresses as soon as you can to Libbie Morley elmorley@illinois.edu.  We will send each student an invitation to apply. (You don’t need to contact the student first.)

The Writers Workshop Undergraduate Peer Tutoring Program seeks:

*  To provide professional experience to undergraduates interested in teaching, writing, research, or consulting careers or in graduate and professional education.

*  To provide academic inquiry in Writing Studies.

*  To provide undergraduate students in general with additional writing tutoring services in the Writers Workshop. Peer tutors will work only with other undergraduates; they will not replace the graduate student consultants.

Peer tutors will take WRIT 203 in Fall 2013 as training. During Spring 2014, they will tutor on a regular schedule as part of an independent study course. In future semesters they may be chosen to tutor for hourly pay.

Please reply by February 28. We appreciate your help as your suggestions are essential to our recruitment.