LAS Careers Road Trip

 hope you are well, that you got through the first week more or less unscathed and are ready for the rest of the spring semester.  In the meantime, we need your help promoting the LAS Careers Road Trip the College is co-sponsoring with The Career Center.  You might recall I sent you a hold-the-date flyer a while ago: the trip itself is set for the last two days of spring break week — March 21 and 22.  It’s open to all LAS and DGS students, although first priority will be given to freshmen and sophomores.
Attached, please find a PDF of the application, the cover sheet for which includes all relevant trip details.  I know you’re still busy, but I’d really appreciate it if you could make the application available to your students.  We’re only taking 22 this pilot year and February 15 is the deadline for completed applications, so please distribute these as soon as you can.  As always, let me know if you have questions or need anything else, as well.