ECON 490

By now, you have all hopefully scheduled your Spring 2013 courses. If you are still looking for another statistics-related course, the Department of Economics has announced the availability of ECON 490, Section PI3, Topics in Econometrics. (This is a different course than ECON 471: Intro into Applied Econometrics, but to what degree the content differs, I do not know.)

The prerequisites according to the Econ advisor are essentially ECON 202 and 203 OR STAT 200/212 with ECON 302 preferred. Both grad and undergrad credit is available.

Hello David,
I hope things are going good over in Statistics!
I thought I would pass along a new class that is being offered, which may be of interest to some of your students.
10:00 AM – 11:20 AM
3 hours
Section Title:
Topics in Econometrics
Section Info:
Program Impact Evaluation: We will study how empirical information can be used to access the impacts of programs and policies created by government and non-government organizations. The topics to be discussed include the general framework of evaluation, the design of evaluation studies, the use of observational data, and basic econometric approaches to identify impact. For each concept taught we will discuss real world impact evaluations of programs related to health, education, labor economics. The objective is to develop expertise to conduct impact analysis, and to critically access the work of others.