
Hello Internet,

My master’s research focused on applications of meteorology. Out of the industries that I consider are most impacted by weather: energy, transportation, agriculture and insurance (with financial markets sitting in between all of them), I wound up researching energy applications. Specifically I examined the relationship between temperature forecast uncertainty and electricity demand forecasts, for a model I developed to forecast campus electricity demand.

This site is meant to be a complement to my LinkedIn profile which contains my CV and resume information:

My LinkedIn Profile

I want to post some R tutorials/statistics examples on here and mainly have this website serve as a gallery for my work.

Definitely check out the R Example page.
In particular I like this page:
Step 2. Dealing with Missing Data in R: Omit, Approx, or Spline Part 2
And this page is one of the most advanced techniques I perform:
4 Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)
