The Asian Development Bank signed a $55 million loan agreement with the Cambodian government to expand the country’s rice sector under a program called “The Climate-Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector Development Program (Rice-SDP)”. It is meant to transform all the variances of the rice sector, from subsistence farming to commercial value chains.
Guiding Value Chain Development: Comparing Approaches
The World AgroForestry Centre and The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation released a report that reviews 11 guides for value chain development (VCD). The tool is meant for practitioners and field workers implementing VCD programs and activities.
Smallholder Farmers’ Highway to Food Markets
A July 2013 FAO report, “Smallholder Integration in Changing Markets”, emphasizes the heterogeneity of subsistence farmers, concluding there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It also emphasizes the reluctance of farmers to increase production when proper postharvest facilities and infrastructure are non-existent.
Once Upon A Village Value Chain in Africa
The Deputy Director for Agriculture for Impact, Michael Hoevel, writes about rural transformations he witnesses during a visit to a Kenyan village. Hoevel stresses the impact of value chain activities on productivity, income generation, and food security in describing the work of several organizations focused on this type of intervention.
Maharastra Agriculture Department Ropes in Private Companies for Maize Production
The Maharashtra state government has chosen three private companies to start a value chain development program in 13 districts of the state to support maize production.
Bühler Joins Growing Africa Assistance Initiative
Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM.{FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1
VC4D: Value Chain for Development
At a recent international symposium co-organized by the International Food Policy Research Institute and RenMin University in China, experts discussed Value Chain for Development (VC4D), which is the accepted approach for pro-poor smallholder development. The plan involves focusing on strengthening value chains, and encourages the role of public-private partnerships.
Farmers Want Government Support to Improve Local Rice Farming
Local rice farmers in Ghana are putting pressure on the government to support rice production to discourage the importation of thousands of tonnes of rice annually. Stakeholders are appealing for an extension of the Project for Sustainable Development of Rain-Fed Lowland Rice Production, which will end in 2014.
DuPont Value Chains Roundtable
In April experts discussed the role of the private sector in global agricultural value chains as part of the Dupont Agricultural Development Roundtable Series hosted by the International Food Policy Research Institute. The discussion can be viewed here.
Ghana’s Agric Ministry Roles out Plans to Improve Food Security
The Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana has promoted Farmer Based Organizations as an avenue to success in their plans for modernizing the rural sector. The plan will focus on strengthening value chains, and will involve training extension workers in supply chain analysis and postharvest management.