Tag Archives | storage

India’s Food Security Rots in Storage

A report by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India finds that 13% of India’s GDP is wasted in the food chain annually, perpetuated in large part by a 40% shortage of storage. The coming of monsoon season brings heavy rains and flash flooding, meaning issues for unstored grain. http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/06/indias-food-security-rots-in-storage/


Inclement Weather Threat to Food Grains Stored in Open

Pre-monsoon rains in Punjab and Haryana, major grain-producing states of India, put more pressure on the need for proper storage. 991,000 tonnes and 336,000 tonnes of grain in Punjab and Haryana respectively are in CAP storage, an open air method with insufficient provisions for inclement weather. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-06-16/india/40006153_1_food-grains-tonnes-cap-storage


Rwanda: MINAGRI Launches A New Grain Storage System

The Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) system is being piloted in 448 cooperatives across Rwanda in efforts to reduce losses and the use of chemicals in storage. http://allafrica.com/stories/201306170039.html  


Uganda: Maize Maze

Informal trade of maize in Uganda leaves farmers in constant speculation of good prices, often making it expensive to properly store grain. The World Food Programme says Ugandan maize has huge market potential if farmers meet the East African Standard for maize grain, something stakeholders are keen to avoid given the lucrative, cash-immediate nature of […]


Kenya: Grain Purchase Plan for Machakos

A county government will buy maize from farmers to reduce risks of exploitation from middlemen, as well as to control presence of aflatoxin that is frequently found in home-stored grain. http://allafrica.com/stories/201306110145.html


Ready Storage for Food: Centre to Tell States

The UPA government of India hopes to pass the ambitious ‘Right to Food Bill’ in coming months, which includes a financial commitment from the Centre to upgrade grain storage capacities. The government urges states to begin their own upgrades to lay the path for Centre funds and support. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2013-05-10/news/39169036_1_food-bill-food-scheme-food-minister-kv-thomas


Food Safety: Train Smallholders to Improve Processing at Farms

The organization Twin is training Malawi farmers on best practices to avoid illness and crop losses caused by aflatoxin contamination of staple food crops. Twin’s initiatives align with a postharvest approach to food security, which addresses the safety and preservation of food already produced. http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/apr/30/food-safety-staple-crops-toxins


In Madhya Pradesh, a Different Kind of Cloud Storage

Silo bags are used in India as a solution to storage obstacles. According to one article, the benefits of silo bags over conventional silos or warehouses are their options for pay-per-use, easy start-up, reduced operational and labor costs, multi-tenancy, and reliability. http://forbesindia.com/blog/enterprise/in-madhya-pradesh-a-different-kind-of-cloud-storage/


Malawi: Maize Shortage Hits Women

Malawi is experiencing a severe maize shortage after two consecutive dry spells. Over two million people face shortages this year, and prices have inflated by 36.6% as of March 2013. http://allafrica.com/stories/201304261129.html?viewall=1&


Aflatoxin Cited As Major Cause Of Cancer In Africa

A high-level official with the African Union Commission spoke recently about the increasing danger of aflatoxin contamination for Africans. He reported that over 5 billion people in developing countries are at risk, and that 1 in 5 African males suffer from a disease related to aflatoxin contamination. http://www.namnewsnetwork.org/v3/read.php?id=MjI3NDI2
