Tag Archives | storage

Hermetic Bags Save African Crop, but Not How Experts Once Thought

Hermetic bags from the Purdue Integrated Cowpea Study (PICS) are found to save crops in unexpected ways, as they are useful in preventing the growth and feeding habits of weevils in cowpea storage, particularly through depleting the levels of oxygen in the bags. The program is expected to be adopted by 3.4 million households in West and […]


Harvest Storage

ABCNet in Australia produced a video on harvest storage, detailing the processes and problems for Australian farmers. http://www.abc.net.au/landline/content/2012/s3428699.htm


Making Sure the Food We Grow Is Good Enough to Eat

A new Centre of Excellence for Post-harvest Biotechnology (CEPB) has opened in the School of Biosciences at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). The centre is developing new technologies to reduce food losses, improving overall quality and food safety. Tropical countries like Malaysia have a particular problem because of the number of micro-organisms that […]


Africa: Metal Silos Lock Out Maize Pests

Farmers in developing countries typically lose 20-30% of their crop due to poor grain storage facilities. Through a project with roots in Central America, African maize farmers are adopting metal silos to protect their families’ food supply and source of income. To date, The Effective Grain Storage Project is responsible for the construction of 146 […]


Kazakhstan Faces Grain Storage Problem

Kazakhstan had a record grain harvest of 29.7 million tonnes and is now facing issues of where to store it, how to transport it, and to whom to sell it. Experts are predicting between 10-13% loss to occur. Trucks to transport grain are at half the needed amount, while storage facilities will be able to […]


Postharvest Losses in Rice

This blog article analyzes the amount of rice PHL in Indonesia, using information taken from the BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik). It also includes information on the major causes of loss. http://fahrizalaffandi.wordpress.com/2012/01/07/postharvest-losses/


Emphasise Proper Planning

The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is urging Bangladeshi engineers to put more focus on food security, as the country loses Tk 30,000 crore annually due to PHL. The main cause is lack of proper storage facilities. http://archive.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=218399


Farmers Want NCPB Depot Reopened

Kenyan farmers are urging the government to reopen the National Cereals and Produce Board in order to aid them in minimizing PHL. The Board has been closed since 1986, and farmers have found that it has impacted their ability to store and dry properly. Poor roads have also affected their access to facilities. Additionally, the […]


EC Seeks Proposals for Projects to Improve the Livelihood of Rural Households in Malawi through Improvement in Post-harvest Storage and Processing Methods

The Malawi government is seeking proposals for postharvest storage and processing and diversification of smallholder agriculture productivity. Deadline for submissions is Feb. 6, 2012. http://www.fundsforngos.org/europe/ec-seeks-proposals-projects-improve-livelihood-rural-households-malawi-improvement-postharvest-storage-processing-methods/      


Application of Semiochemicals for Post-Harvest Pest Management

Lambert Academic Publishing released a new book  on Jan. 6, 2012 titled ‘Application of Semiochemicals for Post-Harvest Pest Management’. The book provides estimates of pest-induced losses of foods, in particular stored grain, as well as analysis of why semiochemicals are a promising alternative to conventional pesticides, and more. https://www.lap-publishing.com/catalog/details/store/gb/book/978-3-8473-3553-5/application-of-semiochemicals-for-post-harvest-pest-management  
