Multinational processing and manufacturing corporation, Bühler, joined ‘Partners in Food Solutions’, an international nonprofit organization which brings private sector expertise to small processors and millers in the developing world. Bühler stands as the 4th corporate partner, among Cargill, General Mills, and Royal DSM.{FDE81740-F54F-43F8-AD23-888236063FF5}&cck=1
Experts Discuss Post Harvest Losses as World Population Grows
The federal government is strongly stressing the importance of reducing global food loss. Washington’s flagship global food security program, Feed the Future, has a direct focus on reducing postharvest loss. A recent partnership with seed multinational DuPont to improve the cowpea value chain in Ethiopia is one example of such efforts.
USAID, DuPont Work with Government of Ethiopia to Improve Food Security
Multinational seed company Dupont officially partnered with the United State’s Feed the Future program in Ethiopia. The project aims to increase productivity of smallholder maize farmers by helping reduce postharvest losses by up to 20%, as well as increasing the use of hybrid seeds and improving seed distribution.
The Innovations: Household Pit Storage Rehabilitation Using Plastic Bag Lining and its Impact on the Reduction of Grain Storage Loss in East Hararge Zone
GFAR produced a new “Voices of Change” report titled “The Innovations: Household Pit Storage Rehabilitation Using Plastic Bag Lining and its Impact on the Reduction of Grain Storage Loss in East Hararge Zone: the case of Babile, Gursum, and Midega Tola Woredas” (PDF). This short report details specific storage problems and accompanying solutions in Ethiopia. […]
Gates Foundation Grants $11.8 Million for Agricultural Development in Ethiopia
Following its receipt of a $11.8 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme announced today it will partner with the Ministry of Agriculture to support the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA).