Archive | April, 2013

World Environment Day

This year’s theme of the United Nations Environment Programme World Environment Day (WED) is “Think, Eat, Save”, which is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages people around the world to reduce their environmental footprint by saving food. Exhibition activities will be held in Zimbabwe, and initiatives will be coordinated worldwide by WED […]


Aflatoxin Cited As Major Cause Of Cancer In Africa

A high-level official with the African Union Commission spoke recently about the increasing danger of aflatoxin contamination for Africans. He reported that over 5 billion people in developing countries are at risk, and that 1 in 5 African males suffer from a disease related to aflatoxin contamination.


Ghana’s Agric Ministry Roles out Plans to Improve Food Security

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana has promoted Farmer Based Organizations as an avenue to success in their plans for modernizing the rural sector. The plan will focus on strengthening value chains, and will involve training extension workers in supply chain analysis and postharvest management.


AfDB-Funded Project to Boost Cassava, Rice Production Launched in Tanzania

The African Development Bank launched a multi-national project that seeks to improve the value chains of four important staple crops: maize, wheat, cassava, and rice. The project is led by CGIAR and is being implemented in 20 countries.



Twenty-one actors from universities, NGOs, regulatory agencies, and knowledge institutes have committed to creating a more resource-efficient Europe by addressing food loss and food waste under a 4-year project, FUSIONS (Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies). FAO is a project partner, and is contributing greatly to the food loss discussion by developing […]


Reducing Food Waste May Feed Hungry Billions

At an annual meeting of the world’s largest scientific society, the American Chemical Society, the keynote speaker addressed the importance of reducing food loss and food waste in order to feed a population of 9 billion.


Boost Waste Research to Secure Food Supply

A leading UK academic announced at a recent forum on food security that investment in reducing waste is far more significant than spending to increase productivity.  


Punjab’s Problem of Plenty: Bumper Wheat Crop But No Storage Space

A video on Punjab storage issues identifies diversatification of crops as a solution to ease capacity constraints. Farmers are not in support of this solution, however, due to the economic value of certain crops over others.


Grain Stocks: Is It a Problem of Storage Capacity?

An opinion piece on Indian storage issues claims that a close-ended procurement system is the “ideal reform”, and that the Indian government should establish separate procurement processes for public distribution and for buffer stock purposes.


ICAR to Focus on North-Eastern States

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) will allocate 10% of funds to the Northeast region of India to address food security, one focus being reducing postharvest losses. ICAR will also focus on strengthening farm mechanization.
