Archive | September, 2011

Cereals Board Launches New Drive to Boost Maize Harvest

The Kenyan Cereals Board launches a new drive to boost maize harvest by providing farmers with much-needed fertilizer and training on how to improve yields. This process should take about three months and 2.4 million bags of fertilizer, which are expected to save farmers’ losses by up to 30 percent.


Phl-Korea Rice Processing Complex Inaugurated

Another Korean-Filipino joint rice PHL processing facility has been launched at last. This type of partnership has greatly aided both countries since the 1960s, when a Filipino-developed rice variety helped make South Korea self-sufficient in rice. This is the fifth such facility to be constructed between the two countries since 2006.


Mitigating Climate Change Through Agriculture

Deutsche Bahn Research recently produced a paper on “Mitigating climate change through agriculture,” with the reduction of postharvest losses as a possible outcome of efforts.


U.S. Kicks off Agricultural Program in South Sudan

South Sudan is aiming to nearly double staple-food crop production by 2013. USAID will continue to support agriculture ventures as a means of diversifying the economy, as evidenced by the launch of their 2005 initiative in Sudan’s green belt zone. They are also focusing on women-centric approaches through education and workshops.


The Pangasinan Province of the Philippines Received Aid from KOICA

The Pangasinan province of the Philippines is building a rice processing complex with funding aid from the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), as well as federal and local departments. This project will affect 8,000 to 10,000 Filipino rice farmers, and is expected to cut current postharvest losses from the 20-25% range to 5%.  


Rabi Conference Accords High Priority to Enhancing Food Grain Production to Achieve 245 MT Target

The recent two-day National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2011 has led to the outcome that 245 million tons of Rabi as needing to be produced for the next season, as well as a focus on location-specific high yielding crop varieties. “The conference advised the States to specially concentrate on critical areas such as […]


North Korea Food Crisis Worsens as Prices Jump, Aid Vanishes

North Korea is facing a shortfall of 700,000 metric tons of food this year due to summer floods and a harsh winter, a drop in aid and trade, and rise in food prices. South Korea is seen as a crucial factor in helping its northern brother, but policy continues to keep the amount of aid […]


Food Security 2011: Transforming the Food Production System

Registration is now open for the Chatham House conference “Food Security 2011: Transforming the Food Production System” The conference will run from December 14-15, 2011. It will address questions including:  How can political and economic barriers to change be overcome? What transformative business models and partnerships between the public and private sectors work? What needs […]


International Conference on Agricultural, Biosystems, Biotechnology and Biological Engineering

International Conference on Agricultural, Biosystems, Biotechnology and Biological Engineering ICABBBE will be held on October 26-28, 2011. The 7th International Conference on Agricultural, Biosystems, Biotechnology and Biological Engineering aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results and discuss the practical challenges […]


Under Western Skies 3: September 9 – 13, 2014

Call for papers for “Under Western Skies 2: Environment, Community, and Culture in North America” with a focus on agriculture, food, and food security.
