About Gretchen

Gretchen Adams received her undergraduate degree in Teaching of Chemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 1998. She earned her Masters of Science in Teaching of Chemistry from UIUC in 1999. She joined the Chemistry Department at UIUC in January 2003. Prior to this, Gretchen taught high school science in Iowa for four years. In addition to teaching chemistry courses with the General Chemistry division, she directs the Chemistry Merit Program for Emerging Scholars and serves as the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Closing Message

Thank you to all who participated in the Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Workshop Series on Instructional Strategies That Increase the Retention and Academic Performance of Underrepresented Students on Campus: A Step-by-Step Approach Towards Achieving Success

A summary of our DTS workshops can be found here.

Please contact me with any questions. Although the workshop series has ended, I will continue to provide support and help anyone interested in this initiative.

Best regards,
Gretchen Adams
University Distinguished Teacher-Scholar
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign