Financial Planning — Endless Options for an ACE Student

Written by ACE Ambassador Erin Willson:

My name is Erin and I am a junior in ACE with a concentration in Financial Planning. Currently, I am not really sure what direction I want to take with financial planning. It seems like there are so many different options from financial advisor to broker to estate planning. Luckily, I have the opportunity to learn more about each one of those options thanks to ACE 398 (Contemporary Financial Planning). It is a course offered through the College of ACE that features a few different speakers each week in the financial planning field. Some have been more recent college graduates who are already successful in their career yet still able to offer advice and relate to those of us starting out. Other speakers have been in the business for thirty years, and they able to share their experiences and what they have learned over time. In the course we are also getting feedback on our resumes, tips for attending career fairs and hearing about potential networking opportunities that can help us down the line. So while I still have not narrowed down specifically what my future career will be, I have a much greater sense of my options, and I am slowly but surely exploring each one.

Great News for Soon-to-Be ACE Grads!

A Blog by ACE Ambassador Jaclyn Hendricks:

Although unemployment rates are troublesome to many soon to be college graduates, those who study agriculture are in for some relief. In a May 2013 study conducted by Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, those who studied agriculture have one of the lowest recent college graduate unemployment rates. Those who are experienced college graduates majoring in agriculture can expect even lower unemployment rates at around 3 percent. In Agriculture and Consumer Economics, soon to be graduates can rely on exposure to different concepts learned during their four years of undergrad to help secure a job upon receiving a degree.