2013 Study Abroad Opportunity: International Sustainable Ag in Brazil

May 11-25, 2013

What are you doing the Summer?

Brazil’s agriculture has undergone rapid industrialization. Just like in the US, Brazilian commodity farmers are forced to deal with rising costs of inputs, increasing dependence on chemicals and large equipment, falling prices and degraded resources. In short, the same issues and principles of sustainability that are found everywhere.
In ACES 298, you will study the many issues of sustainability in an international setting. You will start on an organic coffee farm, meet Brazilian farmers striving to protect their farms and communities while increasing their profits growing a variety of crops. You’ll stay in a sustainable community and learn about permaculture, holistic living and local food. And you will explore a variety of different ecosystems you can’t find in Illinois.

Sound interesting? Email or call for more info:
aslan@illinois.edu or 217/621-7974
The University