Here is regularly updated calendar of DH events of interest at UIUC and the surrounding area:
A university calendar feed compiling events on the UIUC campus is also available at this link.
Feb. 13: “Using Images” Workshop
Interested in learning more about digital humanities tools and research resources? Join us next Wednesday afternoon for “Using Images,” a digital humanities workshop in the Scholarly Commons:
Wednesday, February 13th
3-4 p.m.
308 Library (Scholarly Commons seminar room)
“Using Images”
Led by Michael Simeone, I-CHASS
Learn about a variety of visualization tools and other digital resources for working with images, and how they are used in digital humanities projects. Sign up for the workshop at the following link:
If you have questions, please contact Harriett Green at
Feb. 18 –22: Black Geek Week
Black Geek Week
Hosted by the Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The vision and purpose of Black Geek Week is to:
• Highlight the achievements of Africans Americans in academia, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and the Arts who have pushed the boundaries of thought and technology
• Expose the University of Illinois community to a demographic of “nerds” and “geeks” who are rarely highlighted in pop-culture and/or in contemporary discussions on geek culture that include comics, gadgets, research, gaming, science fiction, computers, and technology broadly defined.
• Critically discuss what “geek chic” is in Black culture while concurrently analyzing how people identified as “geeks” have been marginalized in terms of popularity, identity, masculinity, femininity and sexuality.
We want to broaden the participation of African Americans in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Science and the pursuit of doctoral degrees through a series of events that can increase exposure to a diverse group of faculty, accomplished professionals and graduate students.
Co-sponsored by:
• Department of African American Studies
• Diversity and Social Justice Education Office
• Illini Union
• National Center for Supercomputing Applications
• Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (I-CHASS)
• Student Affairs at Illinois Women’s Resources Center
Feb. 21: IPRH Lecture: Nicholas Mirzoeff (Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU), “The Right to Look: Technologies of Direct Democracy”
Lecture: “The Right to Look: Technologies of Direct Democracy”
Date: February 21, 2013
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum
Co-Sponsored by IPRH and the Spurlock Museum. A reception will follow the lecture. This event is free and open to the public.
About this event:
In this talk I will look at the analysis of visuality formed in my book The Right to Look and how it has informed my subsequent activism in the Occupy and Strike Debt movements. I question how we might imagine a countervisuality, write a history of the anonymous and create techniques of direct democracy with reference to critical theory, digital humanities and direct action.
About the speaker:
Nicholas Mirzoeff is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University. His work is in the field of visual culture. He has been working on the genealogy of visuality, a term created to describe how Napoleonic era generals “visualized” a battlefield that they could not see. Applied to the social as a whole by Thomas Carlyle, visuality was a conservative strategy to oppose all emancipations and liberations in the name of the autocratic hero. His book The Right to Look: A Counterhistory of Visuality was published by Duke University Press (2011). Professor Mirzoeff also produces texts and projects that support the general development of visual culture as a field of study and a methodology: The third Visual Culture Reader was published in 2012 by Routledge, the second fully revised edition of An Introduction to Visual Culture was published in 2009 by Routledge.
Professor Mirzoeff also works on militant research with the global social movements that have arisen since 2011, and has been working on a new project on the cultures of climate change in conjunction with the not-for-profit Islands First.
Feb. 22: IPRH Brownbag Panel: “The Future of Authorship”
Panel (Brown Bag Lunch):
“The Future of Authorship”
Date: February 22, 2013
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Location: IPRH, Humanities Lecture Hall
About the event:
This panel will examine recently developed forms of scholarly communication, focusing on the ways scholars now create knowledge and communicate their findings to a range of audiences using innovative digital platforms and tools for conducting research, writing, and publishing. The aim of this panel is to explore the intellectual advances afforded by new modes of authorship, peer review, and publishing. Please join us for a panel discussion featuring the following speakers:
Nicholas Mirzoeff (Media, Culture, and Communication, NYU)
Kevin Hamilton (Art + Design; IPRH Coordinator of Digital Scholarly Communication)
Eduardo Ledesma (Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese)
Jodee Stanley (Editor, Ninth Letter)
Please bring your lunch. Cookies and beverages will be provided.
Feb. 22 – 24: Introduction to TEI Workshop
Interested in the digital humanities? Take the “Introduction to TEI” workshop at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science and learn about one of the most important elements of digital humanities research, the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) markup language. Spend a weekend learning the fundamentals of using XML for research, teaching, electronic publishing, and management of digital text collections. This hands-on workshop will be taught by Julia Flanders and Syd Bauman, experts from Brown University. Over the course of two and a half days, participants will learn how to work with XML technologies to develop digital representations of texts using the TEI standard. The workshop will take place in the LIS building on the UIUC campus, beginning Friday, February 22 and ending Sunday, February 24, 2013.
Schedule, Cost, and Registration
Participants will meet in room 52 of the LIS building for an introductory session on Friday evening and two full-day sessions on Saturday and Sunday. Participation is currently limited to 30 people seated at desktop workstations, plus 7 individuals willing to bring their own laptops. Those bringing laptops will need to install a free trial version of the Oxygen text editor – available from – on their computer prior to attending the workshop. Participants without prior markup experience will be asked to introduce themselves to TEI and XML by reading through a short suggested reading list, provided after registration.
Per person, the cost of the workshop is
• $30 for current UIUC students;
• $125 for UIUC faculty, staff, and alumni;
• $300 for non-UIUC affiliates.
You must sign up and pay in advance to attend.
Please email to reserve your spot. Your email should include your address, a contact phone number, and your University ID number (alternatively: if you are an alumni, your year of graduation; for non-affiliates, the name of the institution with which you are affiliated). Additionally please indicate whether you will be bringing your own laptop and, if so, which operating system you will be running. More information will follow to those who reserve spots.
Those interested in attending the workshop are encouraged to register early as space is limited and the course fills up quickly. A registration waitlist will be kept after capacity is exceeded. Participants canceling their reservation on or before February 15, 2013 will receive a 50% refund of their registration fee. Following this date, no refunds will be given.
Ashley Clark and Megan Senseney are co-organizers for this year’s workshop. If you have any questions, please contact us at: or 217.244.5574.
About the Text Encoding Initiative
A seminal effort in the digital humanities community, the TEI is “an international and interdisciplinary standard that helps libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars represent all kinds of literary and linguistic texts for online research and teaching, using an encoding scheme that is maximally expressive and minimally obsolescent.” Allen Renear, GSLIS professor and interim dean, and John Unsworth, former GSLIS dean, have long been involved with the TEI community, and use of TEI markup is growing steadily. More information on the TEI can be found at the TEI Consortium website:
About the Instructors
Julia Flanders and Syd Bauman are active participants within the TEI and the Association for Computers and the Humanities. They have led numerous workshops, teaching the TEI standard to diverse groups at all levels of technical accomplishment. Julia and Syd work at the Brown University Center for Digital Scholarship ( on its major text encoding effort, the Women Writers Project ( Julia is Director of the Women Writers Project and Associate Director for Textbase Development. Syd is Senior Analyst for the Women Writers Project and former North American Editor of the TEI Guidelines.
Mar. 5: CAS/MillerComm Lecture: Jon Orwant, “Big Data”
Center for Advanced Study 2012-2013 Initiative
Culture as Data: Social Spaces on the Internet
Jon Orwant, will give a CAS Culture as Data Initiative presentation, BIG DATA, Tuesday , March 5, 4:00pm, Room B02, Auditorium, Coordinated Science Lab, 1306 W. Main, Urbana.
Dr. Jon Orwant leads Google Research in their Boston and Paris offices. He received four degrees from MIT, culminating in his PhD from the Electronic Publishing Group in 1999. Before joining Google he was the CTO of O’Reilly Media, Director of Research for France Telecom, and a Lecturer at MIT. He published an indie computer magazine and is the author of several books on programming, including the bestselling Programming Perl.
For the first time in our history, it’s possible to analyze the entire output of our society at once. All the books, all the pictures, all the videos, all the people: each is a corpus of information now amenable to computational processing. In this talk I’ll give some examples and talk about the implications of being able to crunch data on the largest possible scales.
This presentation is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Center for Advanced Study at 333-6729 or
Mar. 8 – 9: British Modernities Group graduate symposium, “Digital Humanities: Literary Studies and Information Science”
“Digital Humanities: Literary Studies and Information Science”
British Modernities Group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
March 8-9, 2013
Keynote Speakers: Robin Valenza, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Harriett Green, Literature and Languages Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The British Modernities Group invites graduate students to present papers and posters at its eighth annual conference: “Digital Humanities: Literary Studies and Information Science.” This conference will incorporate presentations from faculty and graduate students in a variety of disciplines, including English, library and information science, communication, and education. Keynote presentations from Harriett Green, English and Digital Humanities Librarian and Assistant Professor of Library Administration, and Robin Valenza, Associate Professor of English, will emphasize the importance of dialogue between the humanities and the sciences. We seek innovative research that studies media or literature from the perspective of information science and/or research that utilizes digital humanities approaches to modern and contemporary British literature (1800–present). The conference will ultimately explore the characteristics, objectives, and productive potential of the methodology now called “digital humanities.”
In recent years, literary studies have become increasingly concerned with issues of digital literacies and new media. Beyond converting texts into digital archives—including searchable databases—to broaden traditional literary analysis, literary critics have also questioned how digitization affects the material conditions of reading and writing. In a more practical engagement with digital computing, humanists are themselves employing digital methods for research and teaching. Examples include text mining, topic modeling, network mapping, and multimodal learning techniques. Use of such tools has necessitated collaboration with scholars outside the humanities, particularly in information science. These instances of collaboration promise benefits to all disciplines involved through a mutual exchange of tools and methods.
More information at:
*3/12: “Omeka in a Nutshell” Savvy Researcher workshop*
5:30 – 7:00 p.m., 314 Library
Have a research project that you want to showcase online, but don’t know how? Learn how to build an online exhibition in Omeka, a web-based online exhibition software tool ( Participants will learn how to create a website plan and concept map for their online exhibit, design a basic website, and upload digital materials onto their Omeka site. Whether you have a research project, collections of materials, or another type of project that can be showcased in an exhibit, Omeka can work for you. All levels of experience are welcome!
Register at:
*3/26: Introduction to TEI and XML Savvy Researcher workshop*
5:30-7:00 p.m., 314 Library
This introduction to XML and TEI will teach you the structure and concepts of XML, how to use Oxygen XML Editor, and create basic XML documents with TEI encoding. Participants will learn the principles of TEI and text encoding, and how to create transcriptions for digital humanities projects focused on scholarly editions and textual analysis.
Register at:
October 15
10am-9pm, NCSA Building, 1205 West Clark Street, Urbana
From the NCSA website: “”Petascale” refers to computing and data in the quadrillions, like the more than 11 quadrillion calculations Blue Waters will be able to perform and the more than 380 quadrillion bytes that will be available in NCSA’s new tape archive. In scientific notation, 1 quadrillion is 10 to the 15th (1015). So on 10.15 (October 15) NCSA will celebrate PETASCALE DAY! We’ve planned a variety of informative and fun activities, and we hope you will join us.”
October 24
“Academic e-Publishing vs. Commercial e-Publishing in the Humanities”
3:00 p.m., Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Speakers Kenton McHenry (NCSA), Bradley Tober (Art & Design), and Michael Simeone (I-CHASS) explore the current landscape of e-publishing as it relates to the humanities.
November 28
Steven E. Jones, “The Emergence of the Digital Humanities”
3-5pm, UIC Institute for the Humanities
The Digital Humanities Working Group at UIC’s Institute for the Humanities
has secured Steven E. Jones as its inaugural speaker.
Steven E. Jones<> is Professor of English and Co-Director
of the Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities<>
at Loyola University Chicago. His research interests include Romantic-period
literature, textual studies – which is concerned with the production,
transmission, and reception of texts of all kinds in multiple media – and
digital humanities, the intersection of humanities research and computing.
Based on his book-in-progress, his talk, entitled “The Emergence of the
Digital Humanities,” will be presented on Wednesday, November 28th from 3-5 p.m.
at UIC’s Institute for the Humanities (basement of Stevenson Hall).
More details will be forthcoming closer to the date.
Benn E. Williams
Secretary, Digital Humanities Working Group
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607-7106