Keynote Address | Presenters | Schedule | Workshops | Presentations | Posters
University of Illinois Digital Humanities Symposium 2015:
Explorations of Technology in Humanities Research
February 27 – 28, 2015
Presented by the Scholarly Commons at the University Library and the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts and Social Science (I-CHASS)
Co-sponsored by the Scholarly Commons at the University Library (thanks to a generous gift from the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics), I-CHASS, Graduate College, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Department of Communication, and Department of English
The Scholarly Commons, University Library and the Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Science (I-CHASS) are pleased to announce the University of Illinois Digital Humanities Symposium on February 27-28, 2015.
Dr. Jennifer Guiliano, Assistant Professor of History at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, will deliver the keynote address, “Challenging the Academy: the Future of the Humanities in a 21st Century Digital World.”
Pre-conference workshops will be held on the evening of Friday, February 27th at the Main Library, and will feature digital humanities researchers from UIUC teaching on topics such as text mining, geographical information systems (GIS), and Scalar.
A day-long research symposium on Saturday, February 28th in 1000 Lincoln Hall will open with the keynote by Professor Guiliano, and then will feature a series of research presentations by leading UIUC researchers on current research and methodologies in digital humanities.
Please join graduate students and faculty to learn about digital humanities tools and research approaches and to build a research community for digital humanities at Illinois.
If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us.
Registration is FREE and open now!