By Any Other Name…Kenwood Story

My name, Travis, is a little funny to students; at any rate, I get called a lot of funny names by the students. I get Trevor, Trivius, one student even calls me “Doctor Tryorus” (I don’t even know how he came up with that one).

Well, one day, Achilles called me “Vitruvius.” My bachelor’s is in philosophy, so I said, “Y’know, he was an ancient Greek philosopher.” (I was wrong on this – having since looked him up rather than rely on high school memories, he was a first-century BC Roman author, architect, artilleryman, and civil engineer, almost achieving all-career alliteration.)

“Yeah, I know,” Achilles replied without missing a beat.

“Oh, really?” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “What did he write about?”

Achilles shrugged casually and answered, “Architecture and beauty and stuff.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. “That’s – correct. Wow,” I said, after a moment of stunned silence. Quick little surprises like that really make my day.


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