Strategic Instructional Innovations Program (SIIP)
SIIP competitively awards education-innovation grants to faculty teams using a model similar to research-grant funding. The motivating vision for education innovation is to teach like we do research, meaning that teaching can and should involve collaboration, creativity, excitement, measurement, perseverance, and continual improvement, as do high-quality research programs at Illinois.  Now in its third year, SIIP has achieved marked success by bringing aspects of Illinois’ outstanding research culture to teaching, including an engaged community, collaborative projects, faculty-led innovation, rigorous evaluation, and a scholarly approach to pedagogical methods.
SIIP in the News
- ME 370’s Unique “Drench Your Professor” Competition Hones Students’ Design Skills
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Partners with Facilities and Services to Create a Unique Course on Sustainability
- Engineering to Revamp Targeted Undergraduate Courses
- Engineering Core Courses Get Major Overhaul
- SIIP: Reforming Undergraduate Engineering to Engage Students