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AE3 – Development Site

The Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education

Funding Opportunities

Strategic Instructional Innovations Program 2015
Informational meeting: Friday February 20, 10am, 212 Engineering Hall. Details here.
Pre-proposal deadline: Monday March 9
Proposal deadline: Mid-May
Full RFP: (forthcoming)
This year’s SIIP (Strategic Instructional Innovations Program) invites projects from groups of faculty to enhance undergraduate education, such as: project-based learning, embedding computation and data analysis within existing learning experiences, supporting the success of women and international students, integrating online and on-campus learning experiences, and producing innovations in infrastructure and technology. Projects may focus on a single course or group of courses, and cross-departmental and multi-disciplinary efforts are encouraged.

Grants for the Advancement of Teaching in Engineering 2015
Proposal deadline: March 2
Full RFP: (forthcoming)
GATE (Grants for the Advancement of Teaching in Engineering) supports initiatives that enhance instruction and student learning at the course level. These smaller-scale grants primarily support projects with a direct impact in the classroom; initiatives that strive to enhance the general culture of teaching and learning will also be considered.

For further information, contact Laura Hahn, Director, AE3: