CBS Evening News

I watched the CBS Evening News from Thursday, March 23. Based on this newscast, the values that seem to define the news include anything that is urgent and anything that will evoke emotions of some type. The news talked about the urgency for security and the danger of the attack that happened outside of The British Parliament. It also talked about the proposed GOP health care bill, and on a lighter note, how a little girl grabbed off Pope Francis’ skullcap when she was giving him a hug. The Pope Francis story was definitely the most light hearted story; I believe was added into the news cast to lighten the mood and give people something to laugh about with everything else going on. Conflict and prominence were huge in this news broadcast. Conflict is always on the news because it is reported on a need to know basis (timeliness). Proximity is not as important because the news cast I was watching is a national news broadcast. Almost everything on the news seemed to be high energy because all the stories were highly emotional in one way or another, almost getting the audience worked up about what is going on around us.

About Me!

Hi! My name is Victoria Grove, but I just go by Tori. I am currently a sophomore in communication. I have minors in leadership studies and public relations- that is why I am in this class! I am technically a sophomore, I am 19 and live in my sorority house, but I am graduating in December 2017! After graduation I plan to attend graduate school for public relations. I am super exited to move to the city and start this new chapter of my life but I will miss the University of Illinois and all my friends here so much! Here at school I am the house manager for my sorority, work at a sushi restaurant and write for the PanHellenic blog, so I do not have much free time. When I have free time at home I love watching Netflix and playing with my dogs. Tank is my 8 year-old Miniature Pinscher and Jack Jack is my 8 year-old Chihuahua. Tank’s middle name is Anthony (after Anthony Rizzo) and Jack Jack does not have a middle name but he has a prefix- Captain! My dogs were both adopted from shelters at an older age; they are my babies. I hope to incorporate small dog rescue into my life as much as possible in the future.