About Me!

Hi! My name is Victoria Grove, but I just go by Tori. I am currently a sophomore in communication. I have minors in leadership studies and public relations- that is why I am in this class! I am technically a sophomore, I am 19 and live in my sorority house, but I am graduating in December 2017! After graduation I plan to attend graduate school for public relations. I am super exited to move to the city and start this new chapter of my life but I will miss the University of Illinois and all my friends here so much! Here at school I am the house manager for my sorority, work at a sushi restaurant and write for the PanHellenic blog, so I do not have much free time. When I have free time at home I love watching Netflix and playing with my dogs. Tank is my 8 year-old Miniature Pinscher and Jack Jack is my 8 year-old Chihuahua. Tank’s middle name is Anthony (after Anthony Rizzo) and Jack Jack does not have a middle name but he has a prefix- Captain! My dogs were both adopted from shelters at an older age; they are my babies. I hope to incorporate small dog rescue into my life as much as possible in the future.