Time to Meet the Parents

Last night, I had the opportunity to meet the parents, guardians and families of the students I am currently working with. This occurred on a special night when my students got to be the “teachers” and show their families around their school. Students had the opportunity to visit their classroom, the book fair, the specials area, and show parents some work they have created.

Personally, I was very nervous to meet the parents. However, my nerves were calmed the minute the first parent, a middle school technology teacher at another district, came into the room announcing “I-L-L”. Now, as a student teacher and a true Illini, this showed me that the parents of my students are just regular ordinary people, nothing to be afraid of.

In all honesty, all these parents want to know is who you are, if their child is having fun, and are they succeeding in school both socially and academically.

Miss H.

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