Is it time for spring break yet?

How is it March 1st already?

I feel like I started student teaching just a few days ago, when in reality, this is my 8th week teaching! It’s amazing to see how much more comfortable I am with my students, my classroom, and my co-op. I’ve also built strong relationships with my students which is a huge step from them staring at me when I first met them (like deer in headlights). Throughout these past 8 weeks, I’ve learned a lot about classroom/time/behavior management.

I actually recently had a situation in which a group of students were extremely disrespectful during my lesson. It was a wacky scheduled day, after a 4 and a half day weekend, and they were w-i-l-d. Oh… and we had a sub that day.  I’ve learned a lot from that single day. My co-op helped me out while I was reflecting and we decided that changing seats was the best solution.

Even with the bad days, I wouldn’t trade my classroom, students, or placement. I can truly say that it is a blessing to be at the district I’m at with such supportive teachers, administrators, supervisors, etc.