Parent-teacher conferences

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend parent-teacher conferences. It was a quick 10 minute session, which wasn’t nearly enough to cover as much as anyone wanted. However, I observed my co-op and the way she lead conferences, and I really like the way she does it. She greeted parents at the door and once everyone was situated, she started off the conference by asking if they had any questions or concerns. Some parents would bring up certain questions, while others just asked how their child was doing.

It was nice to meet my students’ families and get to know them. I had a scare when one student’s parents walked in while my co-op was in the bathroom and said, “I am extremely pissed off”. I sat there with a face whiter than snow (I can imagine), while looking like a deer in headlights. I started off by saying that I was surprised since we never had problems with their child, but that my co-op would be back in a minute and we can further discuss this. The wife started laughing and said, “I’m so sorry. My husband is just playing a prank on you since you’re a student teacher”.  Needless to say, it was a relief.