Category Archives: Study Abroad
Summer GER 205: Vienna & Bosnia-Herzegovina
Summer 2014 Faculty-Led Course Abroad
Cultural History, Migration, and Integration
Sponsored by Liberal Arts & Sciences and the Study Abroad Office
Please encourage students to consider this first summer session faculty-led course abroad in Vienna, Austria. The course will carry GenEd credit and will include a brief study tour to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. I am conducting the course through the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures but no German is required for participation.
This course will provide an introduction to major issues in migration and integration between the Western Balkans and
Austria. These issues will be contextualized in a historical introduction but focus will be upon the contemporary situation
relevant to European Union politics. The group will draw upon not only key writings on the topic but will broaden the
cultural-historical perspective through literature, film, and field work consisting of interviews, polling, and site visits in
Vienna and the Western Balkans region, including Sarajevo and Višegrad.
***This course satisfies General Education Requirements***
$4,100 – $4,600
Fees are subject to change due to exchange rate fluctuations and the number of participants.
Included: International round-trip airfare, local instruction costs, housing, local transportation and excursions, international insurance
Not Included: Summer Tuition, books (est. $70), meals (est. $500), personal expenses (est. $200)
$6,200 – $6,700
Scholarship opportunities are available for students who participate on Faculty-Led Courses Abroad. Please visit the online brochure page of this program to learn more.
May 18 to June 15, 2014
February 1, 2014
For any questions you may have or for more detailed information on the program, please contact:
German Department:
Robert Jenkins
Study Abroad Office:
Adam Heinz
Or visit the Study Abroad Office at:
910 South Fifth Street
112 International Studies Building
Champaign, IL 61820
To visit the online program brochure page:
Summer Study Abroad Adventure
Have you ever thought about studying abroad? Concerned about cost, credits, etc.? Well this is the perfect opportunity for you!! This class is a short term experiential recreation/tourism course. This course is taught and led by University of Illinois RST faculty!!! You would register this spring and travel May 21-June 13th – 6 Credit Hours!!
For more information on this exciting opportunity: Visit
To apply:
Financial Aid and Scholarships available for this program:
Spring 2014 Study Abroad Scholarship Resources and Deadlines

Study Abroad Scholarships Workshop
Learn how to find scholarships for undergraduate study abroad and get tips for writing your application. Same content at both sessions.
January 28 & January 29 5:30PM
Lincoln Hall Room 1066
Illinois for Illinois (I4I) Scholarship
All undergraduate students are eligible to apply. Learn more and apply online at
Deadline: February 10
for Summer, Fall 2014 & Academic Year 2014-15 programs
International Programs & Studies (IPS) Scholarships
Eligibility and award details vary. Learn more and apply online at
Deadline: February 10
for Summer, Fall 2014 & Academic Year 2014-15 programs
Enabled Abroad Scholarship
Study abroad scholarships for undergraduate students with disabilities. Learn more and apply online at
Deadline: March 3
for Summer, Fall 2014 & Academic Year 2014-15 programs
Nelle M. Signor Graduate Scholarship in International Relations
Scholarships for doctoral students conducting dissertation research abroad. Learn more and apply online at
Deadline: March 7
For Summer, Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 research abroad

Sierra Leone Info Session
Year in Barcelona
Have you thought about adding a second major in Spanish? Are you interested in studying abroad in Barcelona? Come see me at the Study Abroad Fair in the Illini Union from 11-4 on January 30th to find out more about completing a Spanish major during your year abroad next year in Barcelona, Spain. (The February 1 deadline may be extended to qualified students).
In the meantime, check out the electronic brochure below for requirements and details and/or make an appointment to speak with me to see how this could work for you.
Hope to see you soon,
Beth Chasco
Undergraduate Spanish Advisor
4004 FLB MC-176
Walk-in hours posted weekly on:
Follow advising on Twitter
SOCW Study Abroad Opportunity
Please share/post this flyer about Service learning In Greece (SOCW 330 and SOCW561). I know the deadline is February 1 (but we may be able to extend it). We will have students complete service learning in the C-U area prior to going to Greece for urban (Athens) and rural (Corfu) service learning in May 2014.
We are trying hard to keep student expenses around $4000.
I am also happy to come to your class to talk about this study abroad option. Just let me know.
NOTE: INFORMATIONAL SESSION on January 23, 2014, 12-1pm, at the School of Social Work, Room 2015 (1010 West Nevada, Urbana).
Thank you for helping me spread the word.
Students will participate in service learning opportunities here in the U.S. (eight weeks; 2hrs weekly) at social service sites.
Then, students will travel to Greece to participate in service leaning opportunities specifically in Athens (urban) and Corfu
(rural). Students will integrate and make cross-cultural comparisons between the sites, become exposed to Greek social
welfare issues, healthcare disparities, poverty issues, and the devastating impact of the Greek economic depression on the local
residents. It is an opportunity for students to immerse themselves into the Greek culture, to learn hands-on how access to social
services and the delivery thereof, are tightly connected to, and profoundly impacted by the economic disparities, and also to
make insightful comparisons between social services in the US and Greece. English is widely spoken in Greece, so undertanding
of or fluency in Greek is not required.
***SOCW 330 is open to Illinois undergraduates and SOCW 561 is open to Illinois graduates***
Fees are subject to change due to exchange rate fluctuations and the number of participants.
Included: international airfare, housing, meals, program excursions, and international insurance
Not Included: personal expenses and visa fees (if applicable)
January 23, 2014 from 12pm-1pm at the School of
Social Work in room 2015
Scholarship opportunities are available for students who participate on Faculty-Led Courses Abroad. Please visit the online brochure page of this program to learn more.
May 23 to June 13, 2014
On-campus meetings: Tuesdays 5-6pm, School of
Social Work building room #2018 starting March 18
February 1, 2014
For any questions you may have or for more detailed information on the program, please contact:
Social Work:
Hellen McDonald
Study Abroad Office:
Stacy Billman
Or visit the Study Abroad Office at:
910 South Fifth Street
112 International Studies Building
Champaign, IL 61820
To visit the online program brochure page:
Spring/Summer 2014 Faculty-Led Course Abroad
SOCW 330 (undergrad) & SOCW 561 (grad): ATHENS & CORFU, GREECE
Service Learning in Greece
Sponsored by the School of Social Work and the Study Abroad Office
Post-study abroad 8-week course Spring 2014
Now what?
Unpacking your International Experience
• Come share your stories
• Market the valuable hands-on experiences you gained abroad
• Connect with other study abroad returnees
• Explore next steps for working or living abroad after you graduate
• Plug into international networks
Through in-class activities, group discussions, and writing exercises, you’ll reflect on your experiences and sharpen the professional tools and transferable skills you picked up along the way.
CRN 60076
12:00 PM – 01:50 PM
106B3 Engineering Hall
Summer Study Abroad Adventure
Have you ever thought about studying abroad? Concerned about cost, credits, etc.? Well this is the perfect opportunity for you!! This class is a short term experiential recreation/tourism course. This course is taught and led by University of Illinois RST faculty!!! You would register this spring and travel May 21-June 13th – 6 Credit Hours!!
For more information on this exciting opportunity: Visit
Financial Aid and Scholarships available for this program: