Category Archives: Study Abroad
Study Abroad Info Sessions
Illinois Abroad Australia INFO SESSION
UK & Ireland Scholarships Info Session & Application Workshop
Fancy a fully-funded graduate degree at a top British or Irish university? Join us to learn about a group of scholarships that allow you to pursue your academic goals in the United Kingdom and Ireland!
This informational session and application workshop is targeted to juniors, seniors, and graduate or professional students, and will provide an overview of the Gates Cambridge, Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes scholarships.
When: Thursday, May 7, 3:30-5:00pm
Where: 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building (entrance near Coble Hall)
We will discuss the:
- basic eligibility requirements,
- selection criteria, and
- application processes for these awards.
The University of Illinois’ newest Marshall Scholar, Jacob Calvert, will be on hand to share his application experience!
The latter portion of the event will help participants begin to craft their applications for these scholarships. This is a great opportunity to strategize and get feedback on your ideas for your application essays. The priority deadline for the Marshall and Gates Cambridge scholarships is June 1, 2015, and the required campus deadline for many of the UK/Ireland scholarships is August 25, 2015, so now is the time to get started!
For more information:
Thank you,
Richelle Bernazzoli, Ph.D.
National and International Scholarships Program | University of Illinois
Study Abroad in Tokyo & Taipei – Application Deadline April 22
Study Abroad: Summer 2015
Understanding Japan and Taiwan in Global Settings
(EALC 199 at 3 credits)
Still looking for an opportunity to study abroad this summer? Gain new perspectives on Japan and Taiwan by participating in the U-Tokyo and NTU Summer Program. Together with students from the top universities in Japan and Taiwan, you will acquire significant knowledge, become inspired by Japanese and Taiwanese culture, and experience the dynamic cities of Tokyo and Taipei. The University of Illinois is the only American university participating!
The University of Tokyo and National Taiwan University have joined forces to create the course outlined below, combining them with an exciting social program. This course is aimed at students with general interest in international relations, East Asia, political science, and economics. The language of instruction for the course is English.
Students will attend class lectures on (1) politics and international relations, (2) culture and society, and (3) economics and management, students will learn what’s going on in Japan and Taiwan in global settings especially in their relation to China and US. Field trips to government, businesses, and NGOs will deepen their understanding of the class topics. Participants from all three universities will be divided into work groups to present findings of independent research projects. Illinois students will each produce a documentary of their experience that will be shared with the Illinois campus.
Summer 2015 deadline: April 22, 2015
To apply:
For more information contact Clair Bryan at
Info Session Tonight: Study Abroad in Australia
Clinical Instructor | Master of Public Health Program Coordinator
Study Abroad in Australia
Vienna Urban Archaeology Program: Info Session March 9 noon 2036 Lincoln Hall
Please spread the word about this new URBAN ARCHAEOLOGY Program in Vienna info session
When: Monday, March 9th
When: Noon
Where: 2036 Lincoln Hall—the Honors Commons (easy to access by the South-East Stairwell)
What: Organizers from Vienna via Skype will present to tell you about the program and answer questions
These programs will be of great value for students interested in Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Museum and Heritage Studies, German language, Urban Studies, Architecture, Art History, Landscape Architecture, Medieval Studies, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Material Sciences.
FALL 2015
In Vienna, the past — with all its glories and catastrophes — is all around you. And no-one has a better view of this extraordinary history than the city’s Archaeology Division, the municipality’s official unit for research and education. Its members are literally tasked with unearthing Vienna’s past, digging for the city’s secrets and sharing them with an eager public.
12 Undergraduate Credits in ANTH (6 Advanced Hours)
- No Prior Coursework or Archaeological Experience Required
- No Language Requirement
- Total Cost (Including Transportation and Lodging) at the Same Level as a Semester on Campus
- Optional Additional Courses Available
For more info
Application Deadline: March 15th
Study & Intern in South Africa: Info Session & Extended Deadline
Create an application here:
Costa Rica Extended Deadline/Info Session