Info Sessions for the Sustainability Minor


An exciting new minor is now available to students of all disciplines with interest in the environment, sustainability, agriculture, energy, and green business — and we’d like your help in directing talented students toward this program.

The Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows Program (SEE FP) is a new campuswide undergraduate minor that prepares students for careers in the corporate sector, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and environmental advocacy groups. Open to students of all majors, this multidisciplinary program teaches a systems-level approach to the ecological, societal, and economic dimensions of sustainability. Please see

Environmental stewardship is one of the greatest challenges facing our nation and world today, and students interested in working on these challenges will need to understand the trade-offs, feedbacks, and barriers of sustainable decision making.

Students are encouraged to apply for the program in the spring semester of their freshman year and start the coursework for the SEE FP in the fall of their sophomore year, though more advanced students will be considered. The Minor requires 16-18 credits to be obtained by selecting from a specified list of courses in consultation with an adviser from iSEE.

As you counsel your students in the coming semesters, I would greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out about this new opportunity. Applications for enrollment in fall 2016 are due Tuesday, March 1. We are hosting two information sessions ahead of that deadline on Feb. 17 & 23 from 5-6 p.m. in room 240 of the National Soybean Research Center. Students should register ( to attend by Feb 14, so we know how much pizza to provide at the sessions.

A fact sheet and a postcard about the SEE FP are attached to this email, which you may distribute to students via email or in-person at advising meetings.

Thank you for your consideration.



Madhu Khanna

Associate Director for Education & Outreach

Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment

ACES Distinguished Professor in Environmental Economics
Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE)

Associate Director, Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

1301, W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801


phone: 217-333-5176; fax: 217-333-5538