As you are meeting with students this week, please feel free to share information about the College of Applied Health Science’s new “domestic study” course – AHS 199HOF (Hall of Fame – Second 8 week course, CRN 64153). In this course, students will learn more about recreation, sport and tourism from a social, economic, and environmental perspective.
The course will be led by Dr. Michael Raycraft (incomplete list of teachers ranked as excellent, campus award for excellence in undergraduate instruction), and will culminate in a 12 day journey (May 22-June 3rd) where students will travel to a variety of sites including:
- The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum (Cleveland, OH)
- The Basketball Hall of Fame (Springfield, MA)
- The Baseball Hall of Fame (Cooperstown, NY)
- The Football Hall of Fame (Canton, OH)
- Hershey PA / Corporate Tourism Attractions / Theme Park (Hershey, PA)
- Lake Placid Olympic Training Sites (Lake Placid NY)
- NCAA Headquarters (Indianapolis, IN)
- Niagara Falls National Park (Buffalo, NY)
Space is *extremely* limited! As the first component of the experience is a second 8 week Spring 2016 course, time is pressing. If you would like to learn more about the trip, please attend the INFORMATION SESSION Dr. Raycraft is holding Wednesday, January 27 at 5pm in room 2001 Huff Hall.
If you are unable to attend or if you have other questions, please contact Dr. Raycraft directly at