Hello all!
The Career Center is currently accepting applications for the Career Certificate-Health for the spring semester. The CC-H was developed to increase student awareness and knowledge regarding the health profession they plan to pursue. We hope to assist students gain a better understanding of why they want to go into a specific health field and how their experiences can enhance their development.
Students may find the application at the following link, https://illinois.edu/fb/sec/1575707. The link is also in the Health Careers Chronicle. A resume is required to be submitted to my email, rectorc@illinois.edu or they may drop a copy off at The Career Center. The deadline for applications is January 22 at 5:00 pm. Please encourage your students to apply if you feel this might benefit them towards their goal of entering the health field.
If there are any questions, please contact me at rectorc@illinois.edu or 217.265.0682.
Christina Rector I Assistant Director I The Career Center
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign I 217.333.0820 I www.careercenter.illinois.edu