Re:Search, the Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal at Illinois, is still seeking submissions for its Spring 2015 publication! We are now accepting paper proposals until 5pm on Wednesday, November 5.
We offer an opportunity to publish your work, including papers written in other classes and honors seminars, a current thesis, or a thesis to be written next semester—both Fall and Spring thesis writers are encouraged to submit in an online academic journal, and we hope this change will accommodate the Spring thesis proposal deadline on the first of November.
We are planning to host another Proposal Workshop on Thursday, October 23 at 5:30 p.m. English Building, room 104. For those interested in submitting a proposal, we can help start the process, and we can also provide feedback on proposals both in-progress and finished. This workshop is an opportunity to directly ask the Executive Board any questions you may have about the submissions process. There will be food!
Please see our Call for Proposals (attached below) for information about our journal and submission guidelines. To find out how to get involved with other aspects of the journal, we will be hosting Peer Review workshops on November 3rd and 5th, rooms and times to be announced.
Visit our Facebook page at and our microsite at Please email us at with any questions.
Call for Proposals 2014-15 EXTENDED DEADLINE
Re:Search Executive Board
Re:Search Online Publication: