Interested in becoming an author, peer reviewer, copy editor, or formatter/designer for the second publication of Re:Search, the Undergraduate Literary Criticism Journal at Illinois?
Come to Room 104 in the English Building, 5:30-6:30 PM on Thursday, September 4th, to learn more about the journal and ways to get involved!
We will be discussing the scope of the journal, submission criteria, ways to get involved in the publishing process and connect with faculty, and an overview of the timeline for publication.
For more information about the journal, take a look at our website:
Visit our online version of the journal here:
Please join the online event on Facebook here:
To receive updates about opportunities with the journal, “like” us on Facebook:
Of course, there will be snacks!
If you have any questions, send an email to <>
We hope to see you there!
Nick Millman