REMINDER: History Careers Night – TOMORROW

Dear Students,
I hope your semester has started off well! 
On behalf of the History Department, I wanted to write to invite you to our “History Careers Night” event, to be held Thursday, September 19, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. in room 1000 Lincoln Hall.  Five distinguished graduates of our Department will be coming to speak about the paths and strategies that led them to successful careers.  There’ll be lots of time for questions and answers, as well as informal conversation (fueled by a reception generously hosted by the Friends of History, our alumni organization).  This event is open to all majors as well as prospective majors — we hope you’ll join us, and bring a friend!
Best wishes for the term and your year!
John Randolph, Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of History
2013 History Careers Night
Thursday, September 19, 7:30-9:30 pm
1000 Lincoln Hall
Five distinguished graduates of the University of Illinois Department of History will each speak on the paths and strategies that led them to their successful careers, followed by an opportunity questions and answers.  Open to all history majors and prospective majors.
The panelists:
Lynda Byrd (BA 1962, Teaching of Social Studies) former principal of Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights, Illinois
Guy Fraker (BA 1960, JD 1962), attorney, Bloomington, Illinois; history consultant, and author of Lincoln’s Ladder to the Presidency: The Eighth Judicial Circuit (2012)
Daniel Peris (PhD 1994), portfolio manager, Federated Investors, Pittsburgh, PA, and author of The Dividend Imperative: How Dividends Can Narrow the Gap between Main Street and Wall Street (2013) and The Strategic Dividend Investor (2012).
Roger Taylor (BA 1967), curriculum consultant, founder of Curriculum Design for Excellence, Inc., Oak Brook, IL, expert consultant on applying Common Core State Standards
Thomas Todd (BA 1980), attorney, Aspen, Colorado, with the Denver-based firm Holland & Hart LLP, specializing in real estate and land use law
Refreshments will be served after the panel discussion.
Sponsored by the Friends of History, the department’s alumni support group.