The Right to Choose – A Thing of the Past?

With Donald Trump’s presidency comes challenge for a great deal of people – specifically women, in this case. Perhaps one of the most controversial aspects of his campaign was his vow to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood, along with nearly outlawing abortions in America. This did not sit well with many Americans –  the concept of a woman’s right to choose has been widely recognized and respected – until now. In an article written by Robin Utz and published by The Washington Post, Mrs. Utz spoke about her struggle with getting an abortion in Trump’s America. She had discovered after her 21 week ultrasound that her daughter had developed bilateral multi-cystic dysplastic kidney disease. This particular disease has 100% fatality rate in newborns, and threatens the mother’s life if carried to full-term. Because of this, Utz and her husband made the painful decision to abort their daughter, whom they had already named, Grace Pearl. Knowing their daughter would endure a painful life and a painful death, they made this decision out of love. Robin Utz expressed that the abortion process in Missouri was especially excruciating. She had to sign a statement confirming she had heard her baby’s heartbeat, and another declaring she knew she was “ending the life of a separate, unique, living human being”. In addition to this, her private insurance did not cover the abortion, so it was extremely expensive to obtain. With the federal defunding of abortions, women with little money will be forced to carry their baby’s until birth, with minimal exceptions to the situation. It’s worrisome to me, and millions of women across the United States, that we are living in a country wherein the government determines what is deemed right and wrong for a woman’s body. Hopefully there will be compromise and reform in the future.