
Welcome to the list of current surveys being run by the Etiology of Personality and Individual Characteristics (EPIC) Lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Our lab is a vibrant hub of innovative research, dedicated to exploring the intricate interplay between identity and experience.

Our surveys are a crucial part of this exploration. They enable us to gather essential data, understand emerging trends, and delve into new ideas. These surveys touch on areas such as personality, gender, sexuality, development, health outcomes, and public science.

Whether you’re a fellow researcher, an inquisitive student, or simply someone with a passion for understanding the complexities of human behavior, we invite you to explore our ongoing surveys. Your participation not only contributes to the collective knowledge but also propels our pursuit of discovery.

Stay connected for exciting updates, intriguing findings, and opportunities to contribute to groundbreaking research. Thank you for being an integral part of our scientific community!

Do You Get Annoyed By How Researchers Ask About Demographics?

Time: less than 5 minutes

Payment: none

There is a lack of consensus on racial identity/ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation that is appropriate for U.S. contexts and international contexts. Our goal is to develop recommendations based on how people feel about different styles of data collection. We ask you to complete four approaches to collecting the same/similar information, as well as asking you to rate your preferences among them.

Opinions About Genetic Research on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Time: 5 – 10 minutes

Payment: none

This study examines the opinions of genetics research from the LGBTQ+ community, as well as whether and how opinions may differ among non-LGBTQ+ identifying people. This will allow researchers to understand diverse perspectives surrounding genetic research on sexual orientation and gender identity. This survey will provide researchers with greater insight into public opinion of genetic research.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? And Other Silly Questions to Create a Tutorial on How to Analyze Qualitative Data

Time: 5 – 10 minutes

Payment: none

Please fill out these seemingly silly questions so we can demonstrate approaches to how researchers in the social sciences can collect and use responses to open-ended questions more meaningfully. We are constructing an example dataset for training researchers to analyze large quantities of text data.

BDSM and Kink Identities

Time: 10 – 20 minutes

Payment: none

The motivations behind involvement in BDSM and Kink are widely misunderstood, which perpetuates stigma. This study assesses the motivations of those in the community. We hope to work towards the destigmatization and depathologizing of Kink and BDSM, which will in turn allow for better mental health outcomes for community members, informed safe practice, and improved general understanding of BDSM and Kink identities in our society.

The POWER Relationship Study

Time: variable, monthly surveys

Payment: none

A long-term study of relationships that includes diverse sexual orientations and gender identities has not yet been done and is needed to represent the full scope of romantic relationships and partnerships.

With your time and help, we can answer questions like:

  • How your personality relates to relationship functioning;
  • How power in the relationship changes over time;
  • How is equality in power within the relationship achieved and managed?