
Anderson Lake (AN-der-suhn LAYK)

Antioch Lake (AN-tee-ahk LAYK )

Apple Canyon Lake (AP-puhl KAN-yuhn LAYK)

Argyle Lake (AHR-geyel LAYK)

Augusta Lake (aw-GUHS-tuh LAYK)

Baldwin Lake (BAWLD-win LAYK)

Bangs Lake (BANGS LAYK)

Bayles Lake (BAYLS LAYK)

Big Bear Lake (BIG BAIR LAYK)

Bluff Lake (BLUHF LAYK )

Butler Lake (BUHT-LER LAYK )

Candlewick Lake (KAN-duhl-wik LAYK)

Canton Lake (KAN-tuhn LAYK)

Carlyle Lake (kar-LEYE-uhl LAYK)

Cedar Lake (SEE-der LAYK)

Chain O’Lakes (CHAYN OH LAYK)

Channel Lake (CHAN-uhl LAYK)

Clear Lake (KLEER LAYK)

Clinton Lake (KLIN-tuhn LAYK)

Coffeen Lake (KAWF-feen LAYK)

Countryside Lake (CUHN-tree-side LAYK)

Crab Orchard Lake (KRAB OR-cherd LAYK)

Cranberry Lake (KRAN-bair-ee LAYK)

Crystal Lake (KRIS-tuhl LAYK)

Davis Lake (DAY-vis LAYK)

Dawson Lake (DAW-suhn LAYK)

Deep Lake (DEEP LAYK)

Deer Lake (DEER LAYK)

Devils Kitchen Lake (DEV-uhls KICH-uhn LAYK)

Diamond Lake (DEYE-muhnd LAYK)

Druce Lake (DROOZ LAYK)

Duck Lake (DUK LAYK)

Dunlap Lake (DUHN-lap LAYK)

East Fork Lake (EEST FORK LAYK)

Echo Lake (EK-oh LAYK)

Elmwood Farms Lake (ELM-wood FAHRMS LAYK)

Evergreen Lake (EV-er-GREEN LAYK)

Fish Lake (FISH LAYK)


Forest Lake (FOR-uhst LAYK)

Fourth Lake (FORTH LAYK)

Fox Lake (FOX LAYK)

Frentress Lake (FREN-chres LAYK)

Fyre Lake (FEYER LAYK)

Gages Lake (GEYJS LAYK)

Goose Lake (GOOS LAYK)

Governor Bond Lake (GUHV-er-ner LAYK)

Grass Lake (GRAS LAYK)

Grassy Lake (GRAS-ee LAYK)

Grays Lake (GRAY LAYK)

Hastings Lake (HAY-stings LAYK)

Heidecke Lake (HEYE-dih-KEE LAYK)

Hendrick Lake (HEN-drik LAYK)

Hifer Lake (LAYK)

Highland Lake (HEYE-luhnd PAHRK)

Homer White Lake (HOH-muhr WHEYET LAYK)

Honey Lake (HUH-nee LAYK)

Horseshoe Lake (HORS-shoo LAYK)

Island Lake (EYE-luhnd LAYK)

Kellart Lake (LAYK)

Kidd Lake (KID LAYK)

Kinkaid Lake (kin-KAYD LAYK)

Lake Arlington (LAYK AHR-ling-tuhn)

Lake Barrington (LAYK BAIR-ring-tuhn )

Lake Bloomington (LAYK BLOOM-ing-tuhn)

Lake Bracken (LAYK BRAK-in)

Lake Calumet (LAYK KAL-u-MET)

Lake Carlton (LAYK KARL-tuhn)

Lake Carroll (LAYK KAIR-uhl)

Lake Catherine (LAYK KATH-rin)

Lake Centralia (LAYK sen-TRAYL-yuh)

Lake Charles (LAYK CHAHRLZ)

Lake Decatur (LAYK dee-KAY-ter)

Lake Fairfield (LAYK FAIR-feeld)

Lake Galena (LAYK guh-LEE-nuh)

Lake Glenn Shoals (LAYK GLEN SHOHLS)

Lake Hillcrest (LAYK HIL-CREST)

Lake Holiday (LAYK HAWL-uh-day)

Lake in the Hills (LAYK IN THE HILS)

Lake Iroquois (LAYK EER-oh-kwoy)

Lake Jacksonville (LAYK JAK-suhn-vil)

Lake Killarney (LAYK kih-LAHR-nee)

Lake Lancelot (LAYK LAN-suh-lot)

Lake Le-Aqua-Na State Park (LAYK leh-AW-kwah-NAW STAYT PAHRK)

Lake Linden (LAYK LIN-duhn)

Lake Lou Yaeger (LAYK LOO )

Lake Louise (LAYK loo-EEZ )

Lake Marie (LAYK muh-REE)

Lake Mattoon (LAYK MAT-toon)

Lake Meadow (LAYK MED-oh)

Lake Michigan (LAYK MISH-ih-guhn)

Lake Murphysboro State Park (LAYK MUHR-fees-buhr-oh STAYT PAHRK)

Lake Napa Suwe (LAYK)

Lake of Egypt (LAYK uhv EE-jipt)

Lake Opeka (LAYK oh-PEE-kuh)

Lake Paradise (LAYK PAR-uh-DEYES)

Lake Petersburg (LAYK PEE-terz-berg)

Lake Sara (LAYK SAIR-uh)

Lake Shelbyville (LAYK SHEL-bee-vil)

Lake Springfield (LAYK SPRING-feeld)

Lake Summerset (LAYK SUHM-er-set)

Lake Taylorville (LAYK TAY-ler-VIL)

Lake Thunderbird (LAYK THUHN-der-berd)

Lake Vermilion (LAYK ver-MIL-yuhn)

Lake Wildwood (WEYE-uhld-wood LAYK )

Lake Zurich (LAYK ZER-ik)

LaSalle Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (luh-SAL LAYK STAYT FISH AND WEYE-uhld-LEYEF AIR-ee-uh)

Lincoln Lake (LING-kuhn LAYK)

Little Grassy Lake (LIT-uhl GRAS-ee LAYK)

Little Swan Lake (LIT-uhl SWAHN LAYK)

Loch Lomond (LOK LOH-muhnd)

Long Lake (LAWNG LAYK)

Loon Lake (LOON LAYK)

McCullom Lake (mik-KUHL-uhm LAYK)

Meredosia Lake (mair-uh-DOH-shuh LAYK)

Mermet Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (MER-met LAYK STAYT FISH AND WEYE-uhld-LEYEF AIR-ee-uh)

Mill Creek Lake (MIL KREEK LAYK)

Miltmore Lake (MILT-mor LAYK)

Monee Reservoir (moh-NEE REZ-uh-vwahr)

Mud Lake (MUHD LAYK)

Murphy Lake (MUHR-fee LAYK)

Newton Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (NU-tuhn LAYK STAYT FISH AND WEYE-uhld-LEYEF AIR-ee-uh)

Nippersink Lake (NIP-er-sink LAYK)

Otter Lake (AHT-er LAYK)

Pana Lake (PAY-nuh LAYK)

Papoose Lake (puh-POOS LAYK)

Paragon Lake (PAIR-uh-GON LAYK)

Peoria Lake (pee-OH-ree-uh LAYK)

Petite Lake (puh-TEET LAYK)

Pierce Lake (PEERS LAYK)

Pistakee Lake (puh-STAY-KEE LAYK)

Potomac Lake (puh-TOH-mik LAYK)

Ramsey Lake (RAM-zee LAYK)

Redwing Slough Lake (RED-wing SLOU LAYK)

Rend Lake (REND LAYK)

Rice Lake (RICE LAYK)

Round Lake (ROWND  LAYK)

Saganashkee Slough (LAYK)

Saint Marys Lake (LAYK)

Sam Dale Lake (SAM DAYL LAYK)

Sand Lake (SAND LAYK)

Sangchris Lake (LAYK)

Senachwine Lake (LAYK)

Shabbona Lake (SHAB-buh-nuh LAYK)

Shagbark Lake (LAYK)

Silver Lake (SIL-ver LAYK)

Skokie Lagoons (SKOH-kee luh-GOONS)

Slough Lake (SLOU LAYK)

Spoon Lake (SPOON LAYK)

Spring Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (SPRING LAYK)

Sterling Lake (STER-ling LAYK)

Sun Lake (SUHN LAYK)

Sylvan Lake (LAYK)

Third Lake (THERD LAYK)

Tower Lakes (TOW-er LAYKS)

Upper Peoria Lake (UHP-er pee-OH-ri-uh LAYK)

Valley Lake (VAL-lee LAYK)

Vandalia Lake (van-DAYL-yuh LAYK)

Vermont New Lake (ver-MAHNT LAYK)

Washington County State Lake (WAHSH-ing-tuhn LAYK)

Waterford Lake (WAH-ter-ford LAYK)

Waverly Lake (WAYV-uhr-lee LAYK)

West Frankfort Lake (WEST FRANK-fuhrt LAYK)

Wolf Lake (WOLF LAYK)

Wonder Lake (WON-der LAYK)

Woodhaven Lakes (WOOD-hey-vuhn LAYK)

Wooster Lake (LAYK)