Pronunciation Key

This pronunciation guide employs the following key to vowel sounds and consonant combinations. (Although there is considerable variation in current practice, this key follows the most common phonetic symbols used in guides prepared by the press associations and broadcasting networks.)

a is like the a in hat

ay is like the a in fate

ah is like the a in arm

e is like the e in met

ee is like the ea in heat

i is like the i in sit

eye is like the i in ice

o is like the o in not

oh is like the o in hoe

oo is like the oo in shoot

oo is like the oo in foot

uh is like the u in cup

u is like the u in use

er is like the er in farmer

k is like the c in cat

j is like the g in edge

g is like the g in gun

ow is like the ow in cow

oy is like the oy in boy

aw is like the aw in saw

air is like the air in hair

Consonants not listed have their usual sounds. Accented syllables are spelled in capital letters.