Service Charges & Rates

Greenhouse space charges are based on square footage of the room assigned to a project.  The basic space fee is calculated per square foot per day for the time the project occupies the greenhouse.  Watering and labor fees are charged in 10-minute increments.  Both the space and labor fees are billed monthly. 

Specific charges are listed below and take effect June 30, 2022.

Space (Basic fee)– Includes lights, pest control, cleaning, general and seasonal facilities maintenance.  Includes outdoor courtyard space.

$.02/sq ft/day- with CFOP (Internal)

Water (10min increments)– Watering service is charged in 10min increments *per watering event.   

$14.42/hr- with CFOP (Internal)

Labor (10min increments)Labor is charged in 10min increments and includes weeding, staking, cutting back plant material, planting, etc.  Labor requests can be performed as time allows for staff. 

*A watering event is AM and/or PM watering. This depends on plant needs.  If your project requires AM & PM watering, each watering event is charged separately.  For example, if it takes 10 minutes to AM water and 10 minutes to PM water then the watering time for that day would be 20 minutes.

Note:  Users may elect to add or remove watering services based on changes during the course of the project. 

Example charge: Renting a 200 sq ft room for 30 days with daily AM watering that takes 10 minutes. 

$.02 x 200sq ft = $4 x 30 days = $120   

10min x 30days = 300min/60min = 5hrs x $14.42 = $72.10          

$120 + $72.10 = $192.10 for 30 days of space and watering.