My Writing Metaphor

My writing process is getting ready to go out with my friends on a Friday night. Before the night begins, I am laying on the couch with my pajamas and dirty hair. I want to go out, but I do not have the energy to get off the couch and start prepping for the night.

This is similar to the moment an English teacher assigns an essay IMG_3836assignment. I want to receive credit and a good grade for the essay, but I do not want sit at my desk for an hour or two to write my thoughts on paper.

Once I have the burst of energy to get off the couch, I need to shower. I wash my face because I need fresh, clean skin to put on makeup. My body needs to be clean as well so I can put on clean clothes.

When I open a new, blank page, for a new assignment, I am starting with a fresh canvas as well.


IMG_3834After I shower, I pick an outfit. This process takes the longest. Most girls want to leave the house with an outfit that makes them feel comfortable and confident. I need to try on at least five different outfits with different combinations of shirts, pants, jewelry, and shoes before I decide to wear an outfit.

When I am in the process of writing an essay, I choose word combinations and organization of sentences and paragraphs until I find an order that depicts my thoughts the best.

Once I find the perfect outfit, I put on makeup and straighten my hair. This step is the finishing touch. I put on a little concealer to brighten my face. Then, I apply some mascara and eyeliner to add energy to my eyes. Lastly, I straighten my hair to add a little shine. At the end, I may ask a friend if she thinks I need to add anymore makeup to certain parts of my face.IMG_3835

Proofreading and editing are the polishing stages in my writing. I have the basic format and ideas down, but I need to check for mistakes that will make my essay sound and look professional. In doing so, I may think of a sentence or word that could clarify a confusing part of the essay. After I have applied any possible changes, I take my essay to the Writer’s Workshop for a second opinion.

After showering, picking an outfit, applying makeup, and straightening my hair, I feel confident and ready to have a fun night with the friends.

I feel the same excitement when I attach my essay document and click the submit button. Now, I can relax or work on assignments for different classes.