


Most prevalent topics in Rhetoric 105 (Created at )

Dear Future Rhetoric 105 Students,

In the Home tab, you can see the growth of my writing throughout the semester. My formality changes drastically. Also, in the Metaphor tab you will find a metaphor that compares my writing process to dressing up on a Friday night. The rest of the tabs hold four revised essays. Each essay has a reflection that shows the changes in my writing and thinking.

The minor revision tab has two revised critical responses. In the first critical response, I discussed the importance of acknowledging diversity with a simply greeting. Then, I integrated an analysis of the current diversity on the UIUC campus. I wanted to revise this essay to correct my opinion on the school’s diversity. My opinion has changed after living on campus for three months. I discovered that many obstacles stand in the way of diversity. I added more plausible ways in which I could promote diversity on campus. Now, I understand how and why diversity is not easily obtained. Most importantly, people must go beyond saying, “hello,” or being open minded.

I edited critical response two because this assignment was the most helpful. I examined writing tactics of three authors. In the end, I realized how to implement their tactics into my writing. I expanded the essay by using the tactics in my revisions. I want you to read this essay in hope of improving your writing process as well.

(Click on the links below to learn about the three writing tactics)

“Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott

“How to Mark a Book” by Mortimer J. Adler

The Big Read: A conversation with Ray Bradbury

The major revision tab has two main essays. I revised the annotated bibliography because sources are the most important aspects in a paper. Sources allow writers to explain why and how they reached their conclusions. I want to show you that without sources you cannot make conclusions or assumptions. Also, the format can show you the correct way to cite and annotate sources.

I revised the artifact paper out of pure interest. This essay analyzed the acceptance of women into the University of Illinois. As a woman at the University, I am a part of the growing community of educated women. As a result, I wanted this paper to be as polished as possible. I believe people forget the hardships women went through to get an education and other basic rights. Without reminders, women may not see the importance of the available education. I hope this essay keeps women humble and men respectful.


Nikola Koziol