Majority Oppose Laws Against Transgender Rights

Instead of talking about how to improve healthcare or the national debt, our politicians feel it’s most imperative to discuss who should be allowed to use what bathroom.

Transgender rights have come to the forefront of the LGBTQ+ community, and most Americans are opposing laws that ban transgender men and women from using bathrooms that don’t reflect their sex assigned at birth, according to an article published on NBC.

The non-partisan group that conducted this research found that 53 percent of Americans “opposed laws requiring transgender people to use bathrooms that correspond to their sex at birth,” 39 percent “favored such laws,” and one in ten of the 2,031 surveyed “had no opinion.”

People having no opinion these days seems to be a rare, but these numbers were even more divided among party lines. Majority of Democrats and Independents opposed these laws, and majority of Republicans favored them. Surprise, surprise.

While the topic appears to be about the right to use whichever bathroom they choose, the real issue is whether or not trans people are allowed to exist in public spaces.

It is a shame that Americans pledge “liberty and justice for all,” but then don’t really mean all. Transgender lives are human lives. They just want to pee in peace. It’s 2017. Let’s move on.