Lecture 11: Compiling WPS on gordon

Compiling the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) on gordon is similar to compiling the WRF model.  Make sure that you have a WRFV3 install (named exactly that) in the same directory as your newly minted WPS directory.

Obtain the source code …

Lecture 10: Compiling WRF on keeling

In case you need it, here is how I compile WRF on keeling.  Caveat emptor.

Create a directory where you have space (not in your home directory)

cp /data/snesbitt/h/snesbitt/wrf/WRFV3.7.1.TAR.gz .
cp /data/snesbitt/h/snesbitt/wrf/WPSV3.7.1.TAR.gz .

Set up your environment

module load intel