Lecture 6: ipython notebook on a gordon compute node

In your software directory, install ipynbhpc from github

cd $HOME/software
git clone https://github.com/pyHPC/ipynbhpc.git
ln -sf $HOME/software/ipynbhpc $HOME/bin

Follow the instructions in the readme here.

Add the following lines to your .bashrc, and source it when done.

#set to your favorite port number for PORT
#Set the PBS job duration in minutes:
#Set the template for requesting an interactive job, it should accept the number 
#of minutes as `%d`,
#this example is the default and works on SDSC Gordon:
export IPYNB_QSUB_TEMPLATE="qsub -I -V -l nodes=1:ppn=16:native:flash,walltime=%d:00 -q normal"
export IPYNB_NOTEBOOK_TEMPLATE="jupyter notebook --port=%s --no-browser"

Now, run the command ipynbhpc.

In another session, create an ssh tunnel as before to your PORT.

You should be all set!