
April 15-16, 2021: PyNetworkshop tutorial, co-organized with Dr. Samin Aref, Shadi Rezapour, Dr. Jana Diesner, is complete! Check out our workshop details at: If you’re interested in attending, our workshop will also be at Networks, 2021! 

November 30, 2020: I am a Ph.D Candidate! My dissertation proposal is titled: “Advances to network analysis theories and methods with applications in social, organizational, and crisis settings“. My dissertation committee is: Dr. Jana Diesner (Chair & Director of Research, iSchool, UIUC), Dr. Scott Althaus (Communication & Political Science, UIUC), Dr. Peter Darch (iSchool, UIUC), and Dr. Leysia Palen (Computer Science, Information Science, University of Colorado-Boulder).

September 29, 2020: I am attending Grace Hopper Celebration (2020) as a Student Scholar. Thank you, Cisco Systems Inc, for the sponsorship!

September 2, 2020. I made it on the University’s ‘List of Instructors Ranked as Excellent By Their Students’ for my Spring 2020 class, Network Analysis, co-instructed with Dr. Jana Diesner.