Research Assistant Expectations

  • Be proactive and maintain open communication: If you come across a more effective approach than the one I’ve suggested, please inform me. Similarly, if you notice any errors in my work, kindly bring them to my attention.
  • We will utilize a shared server folder for our lab’s work. Because multiple projects and people are using it… it is important to keep the folder orderly.
    • All work goes in the shared folder. Do not keep work product in your ‘private’ folders, nor on your own laptop (backups/working copies excepted).
    • Within this folder, you will need to create and maintain a research notebook in order to stay organized, track progress, demonstrate accountability, and facilitate collaboration across the research group. This will also help us, in the instance you have graduated or moved to another research group, understand your thought process.
    • Quantitative analysis is to be completed in SAS 9.4, except for special situations where there are clear advantages to working in another program. I have a standardized set of libraries and macros for us to use.

At our first meeting together:

  • When we start a project, we will collaborate to outline clearly defined goals, deadlines, and standards. I will make sure we post these collectively agreed terms where everyone can easily refer to them. 
  • When working with students who are new to research, I clarify the expectations in this setting compared to those in a regular course. 
  • I make a conscious effort to teach my students to value the research journey, despite its potential to feel slow-paced at times. I do this by interrupting the process with moments for them to reflect on their experiences.

When we are preparing to meet at subsequent meetings:

  • Please send a short write-up ahead of time (one or two days), something like a page of text or figures is about right. Equations and sample details are also helpful for interpreting quantitative results.
  • When we meet, I will usually suggest things to do. At the end of the meeting, we should sum up what next steps you will take. You will need to do these things (or make your best effort) before we meet again. Don’t let assignments languish. If you run into a roadblock, contact me quickly so we can keep moving.
    • I may ask for “hard” tasks, like getting new data or writing a model. I don’t expect you to complete these before meeting again, but you need to get started and show me where you are at.