As a companion to our previous post, we present some of the publications our Library faculty and academic professionals have published this past fall. Peruse the selected bibliography we have provided below to learn more about these topics.
(Links to OA journal access, the DOI for individual articles, or the catalog record are provided when available.)
- Akers, Katherine G., Ellen M. Aaronson, Kathleen Amos, Kelsa Bartley, Alexander J. Carroll, Thane Chambers, John W. Cyrus, Erin R. B. Eldermire, Brenda Linares, Beverly Murphy, Melanie J. Norton, JJ Pionke, and Amy Reyes. “Striving for Equity: An Update from the Journal of the Medical Library Association. Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 109, no. 3, 2021, pp. 359-36.
- Appedu, Sarah and Merinda Kaye Hensley. “Problematizing the Role of Information Literacy in Disinformation, Dialogue, and the Healing of Democracy.” In Information Literacy in a Time of Transformation: LOEX 2021 Library Instruction Conference Proceedings. Ed. Brad Sietz. Ypsilanti, Mich.: Published for the University Library, Eastern Michigan University, by LOEX Press: 2021, pp. 1-5.
- Alam, Rifat B., Sadia Anjum Ashrafi, JJ Pionke, and Andiara Schwingel. “Role of Community Health Workers in Addressing Dementia: A Scoping Review and Global Perspective.” Journal of Applied Gerontology, vol. 40, no. 12, 2021, pp. 1881-1892.
- Badirli, Sarkhan, Mary Borgo Ton, Abdulmecit Gungor, and Murat Dundar. “Open Set Authorship Attribution Toward Demystifying Victorian Periodicals.” Ed.s J. Lladós, D. Lopresti, & S. Uchida, Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2021: 16th International Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 5–10, 2021, Proceedings, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12824, pp. 221-235.
- Becks, Courtney. “Introduction.” Library Trends, vol. 70, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-2.
- Benson, Sara R. Compact Copyright: Quick Answers to Common Questions. ALA Editions, 2021.
- —, Kelli Trei, and Melinda Kaye Hensley. “A Qualitative Study of Undergraduate Stem Majors’ Copyright Knowledge and Educational Experiences.” College and Research Libraries, vol. 82 no.6, 2021, pp. 845-862.
- Condill, Kit. “Comparative Nationalisms and Bibliographic Black Holes: The Case of the Turkmen of the North Caucasus.” Nationalities Papers, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 1150-1177.
- Maddox Abbott, Jennifer A., Editorial Board Member, Collection Management, May 2020–present.
- —. Editorial Board Member, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Resources for College Libraries (RCL), July 2020–present.
- —. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Library Resource Sharing, July 2021–present.
- —. Chair, Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Publications. Coordinating Committee, July 2021–present.
- —. Editorial Board Member, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS), July 2019–June 2021.
- —. Editorial Board Member, Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services (LCATS), June 2019–June 2021.
- Pionke, JJ, and Lorelei Rutledge. “Information Literacy and Instruction: Using Universal Design for Instruction to Make Library Instruction Accessible.” Reference and User Services Quarterly, vol. 59, no. 3-4, 2021, pp. 161-164.
- —. “Comics and critical librarianship: Reframing the narrative in academic libraries.” Journal of Access Services, vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, pp. 147-148.
- Proulx, François, Caroline Szylowicz, and Claire Baytaş. “Vingt lettres à Louis d’Albufera. Bulletin d’informations proustiennes, vol. 51, 2021, pp. 9-32.
- Roberts, Matthew. Interim Editor-in-Chief, The Harold Pinter Review, 2021.
- —. Co-Editor, Journal of Library Outreach and Engagement (JLOE), 2019-Present.
- —. Editorial Board Member. The Harold Pinter Review.
- Sotomayor, Antonio. “Dispensa, endogamia y milicia: Historia social para la genealogía de algunas familias de Aguada, Puerto Rico. Siglos XVII y XVIII.” Hereditas: Revista de Genealogía Puertorriqueña, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 91-119.
- —. “El legajo 2295: Sublevación y parentelas en Puerto Rico a comienzos del siglo XVIII.” Hereditas: Revista de Genealogía Puertorriqueña, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2021, pp. 54-76.
- —. Editorial Board Member. Acción: Revista Cubana de la Cultura Física.
- Tian, Cindy Tang, Timothy W. Cole, and Karen Yu. “Name and Subject Heading Reconciliation to Linked Open Data Authorities using Virtual International Authority File and Library of Congress Linked Data Service APIs: A Case Study featuring Emblematica Online.” Library Resources and Technical Services, vol. 65, no.4, 2021.