Dr. Kontou accepted the invitation to serve as a member of the Editorial Board of Nature’s Scientific Reports in Civil Engineering.
Tag: editorial board
Dr. Kontou is now a member of the Transportation Research Part D Editorial Advisory Board!
Dr. Kontou was invited to join the Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment journal’s Editorial Advisory Board. TR-Part D is one of the premier journals in transportation and is in the forefront of sustainable transportation systems research. It has a high-impact factor of 5.49 and a citescore of 9.1. Dr. Kontou looks forward to contributing to this new role!
Kontou invited to be a member of the Transportation Research Part C journal Early Career Editorial Advisory Board!
Dr. Kontou was invited as a member of the Early Career Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of the Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies journal! This board is equivalent to the conventional EAB, but a special title was given to promote and give opportunities to junior scientists (mainly junior Assistant Professors)! As of May 2021, TRC has a CiteScore of 12.2, an impact factor 6.077, a 5-year impact factor 7.080, and a SJR 3.342.