
Electrified Transportation & Charging Infrastructure

  • Zhang, R., Horesh, N., Kontou, E., & Zhou, Y. 2023. Electric vehicle community charging hubs in multi-unit dwellings: Scheduling and techno-economic assessment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 120, 103776. [Link]
  • Cheng, X., & Kontou, E. 2023. Estimating the electric vehicle charging demand of multi-unit dwelling residents in the United States. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. [Link]
  • Purba, D. S. D., Balisi, S., & Kontou, E. 2023. Refueling Station Location Model to Support Evacuation of Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231171156. [Link]
  • Purba, D. S. D., Kontou, E., & Vogiatzis C. 2022. Evacuation route planning for alternative fuel vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103837. [Link]
  • Wu, Y. C., & Kontou, E. 2022. Designing electric vehicle incentives to meet emission reduction targets. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment107, 103320. [Link]
  • Liu, S., & Kontou, E. 2022. Quantifying transportation energy vulnerability and its spatial patterns in the United States. Sustainable Cities and Society82, 103805. [Link]
  • Guo, S., & Kontou, E. 2021. Disparities and equity issues in electric vehicles rebate allocation. Energy Policy, 154, 112291. [Link]
  • Greene, D., Kontou, E., Borlaug, B., Brooker, A., & Muratori, M. 2020. Public charging infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles: What is it worth? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 78, 102182. [Link]
  • Muratori, M., Kontou, E., & Eichman, J. 2019. Electricity rates for electric vehicle direct current fast charging in the United States. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 113, 109235. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Liu, C., Xie, F., Wu, X., & Lin, Z. 2019. Understanding the linkage between electric vehicle charging network coverage and charging opportunity using GPS travel data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 98, 1-13. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Yin, Y., Lin, Z., & He, F. 2017. Socially optimal replacement of conventional with electric vehicles for the US household fleet. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(10), 749-763. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Yin, Y., & Ge, Y. E. 2017. Cost-effective and ecofriendly plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging management. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, (2628), 87-98. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Yin, Y., & Lin, Z. 2015. Socially optimal electric driving range of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 39, 114-125. [Link]

Emerging Sustainable Transportation Technologies and Services

  • Rapti, Z., Cuevas-Maraver, J., Kontou, E., Liu, S., Drossinos, Y., Kevrekidis, P. G., … & Kevrekidis, G. A. 2023. The Role of Mobility in the Dynamics of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Andalusia. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85(6), 54. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Garikapati, V., & Hou, Y. 2020. Reducing ridesourcing empty vehicle travel with future travel demand prediction. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 121, 102826. [Link]
  • Wenzel, T., Rames, C., Kontou, E., & Henao, A. 2019. Travel and energy implications of ridesourcing service in Austin, Texas. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 70, 18-34. [Link]
  • Stephens, T. S., Auld, J., Chen, Y., Gonder, J., Kontou, E., Lin, Z., … & Gohlke, D. 2018. Assessing Energy Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles at the US National Level —Preliminary Bounds and Proposed Methods. In Automated Vehicles Symposium 2018 (pp. 105-115). Springer, Cham. [Link]
  • Stephens, T. S., Levinson, R. S., Brooker, A., Liu, C., Lin, Z., Birky, A., & Kontou, E. 2017. Comparison of Vehicle Choice Models(No. ANL/ESD-17/19). Argonne National Lab Report.(ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). [Link]

Transportation in the Aftermath of Hazardous Events

  • Kontou, E., Murray-Tuite, P., & Wernstedt, K. 2017. Duration of commute travel changes in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy using accelerated failure time modeling.Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 100, 170-181. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Murray-Tuite, P., & Wernstedt, K. 2016. Commuter Adaptation in Response to Hurricane Sandy’s Damage. Natural Hazards Review, 18(2), 04016010. [Link]

Public and Active Transportation Research

  • Porter, A. K., Kontou, E., McDonald, N. C., & Evenson, K. R. 2020. Perceived barriers to commuter and exercise bicycling in US adults: The 2017 National Household Travel Survey. Journal of Transport & Health, 16, 100820. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., McDonald, N. C., Brookshire, K., Pullen-Seufert, N. C., & LaJeunesse, S. 2020. US Active School Travel in 2017: Prevalence and Correlates. Preventive medicine reports17, 101024. [Link]
  • Kontou, E., Kepaptsoglou, K., Charalampakis, A. E., & Karlaftis, M. G. 2014. The bus to depot allocation problem revisited: a genetic algorithm. Public Transport, 6(3), 237-255. [Link]

Student names are in bold.